Day 6- Time Alone

           I awoke with some action last night, we were hit with a relatively hard rain storm which was potentiated by the tarp over my tent. I ended up reading because there was no way I was going to sleep through it. I am deep in “The Fault in Our Stars” and I can’t stop reading it. If you haven’t read the book, go find it and read it, with tissues readily available. 

         At around 730 I hopped out of bed like I was well slept (even though I really only slept for about three hours) and noticed the river was quite low, that meant that Club Wave was in. Stoked, I haven't surfed that wave yet and I heard it was great place to solidify new moves before trying them on Nile Special. Club Wave is behind Nile Special so it is the same paddle out and it's easy. Right after breakfast I got on the water and paddled for about 3 hours. I was working on back moves primarily. My right back blunt is getting pretty good as long as I spin into it and time it out right, I guess thats how most things are… As the session went on, the water kept dropping or maybe I just got more tired because I started accumulating some massive beat downs, on a wave. That’s usually when I know it’s time for me to get out of the water. 

        I had a quiet paddle back to the island on my own, with my headphones and some music. I needed a soul session after five days of working hard. I thought about all of the people who I want to bring here. There is one spot in an eddy on river left of Nile Special before I ferry over to the staging eddy, that I thank Shannon for being my friend and she lets me know that she is watching over me. I like being alone out here, it is fun, it brings me closer to myself and to mother nature. 

A perfect sunrise on the Nile. 

        I tried to take a nap after lunch, I forgot that it would get stiflingly hot in my tent after mid day, even if it was cloudy. I slept for about 30 minutes which proved to be sufficient and decided to take my first shower in 5 days instead. I needed it, a little. The rest of the day I finished my book, not without some tears falling down my face, started another book and I am just waiting on dinner now, and the daily thunderstorm to wake up nature and me!