Day 27- Blessed

   I woke up super early this morning, for no reason at all. I just laid in my tent, watching the sun rise, listening to the birds, thinking about how blessed I am to be living the life that I am. Today was the day that I was originally supposed to be leaving this beautiful, perfect, place. After Mom was here, I asked her to change my flight to nine days later, I left it to the absolute last day that I could come home. Snowy told me that if I thought the training would be helpful and that I’m not sick or injured when I come home, that I should stay as long as I can. So, I have another nine days here, on an island, in the middle of the White Nile. 

    Because it’s Monday, Club Wave was in at a primo level so after breakfast we all paddled out there. Club Wave, at a a lower level, is almost like Glenwood, where the US Team Trials are going to be held in two months. I can feel that my body is tired, I am slower than usual and I have to work harder to get tricks to come around. I am ready for a day out of the water. 

    I paddled again in the afternoon on a low water Nile Special, it was very green and pretty flushy. I was working on air screws, I landed on my face a lot. The session just reminded me again that I am very broken at the moment. 

    Tomorrow, I am taking a day off and going to Jinja with Kabob Grady and Dr. Sarah, we are going to eat Pad Thai and ice cream, not together, but those are the two things that the three of us are craving. I am also looking forward to being able to hear Snowy’s voice again. Snowy went to Jon Clarks memorial yesterday. Jon died just a few days before I left for here. Just like with Shannon, I haven’t had a moment to cope or even think about what an amazing person has left this planet. I have known Jon for 15 years, he taught me how to whitewater kayak amongst many other things. He taught many people how to kayak and enlightened even more on his life outlook, to always live life to the fullest. He now joins many of my other friends, on the other side, to keep living life to the fullest. 

    The World is going to miss you Jon.

    Every day is a new adventure, use it to your advantage.