Day 34- An Early Morning

    I awoke this morning to my alarm going off at 6 A.M. I of course, turned my alarm off and went back to sleep. What was I thinking, getting up at 6 A.M.? At about 6:15 a really loud, really close, cicada started going off and this was an alarm that I was unable to turn off or hit the snooze button. It just kept going, it was so loud it actually felt like it was in my tent with me. I finally just got out of bed because attempting more sleep was futile. I went down to the beach to catch a beautiful sunrise. The sunrises and sunsets here are amazing. They fill the sky with pink and red and span the whole sky, turning the tint of the grass a pink tint and the water changes to the color of the sky in the river. 

    I did a much needed yoga session where I realized how much flexibility I have lost since I have been here. I am looking forward to getting back home and back to Zanti Power Yoga, my local yoga studio in Greenville, SC. 

    Breakfast was quick and we headed out to Club Wave, I only took three rides again, I wanted to save my energy for Nile Special and the water was raising so the wave was becoming more of Fight Club wave than anything and I wasn’t super keen on getting eaten by a curling wave before noon. I came back after my short session, put some sunscreen on, and laid in the sun. I finished my eighth book of the trip, The Rosie Project. I have now read almost every book on the island, I am also at an average of 4 and a quarter days reading one book this trip. Not bad for someone who usually doesn’t read. 

    I laid in the sun until lunch time, realizing I only have one more full day of African sun for a while. We all headed out to Nile Special after lunch. I was getting all freaked out because I knew that I only had two more sessions on the wave. I was’t getting anything done and I was stiff while surfing the wave. I finally loosened up and hit moves that I have been working on this trip. I ended on a really good note and I am ready for tomorrows session, the final session. 

    I am super into the Hobbit trilogy right now, I am watching the movies before I fall asleep every night. Tonight I start the third and final movie, seems fitting.